The SWTA - Mountain Bike Trail Builders
The SWTA - MTB Trail Builders are a division of SWTA that focus their efforts on building and maintaining mountain bike trails in the South Whiteshell. Through hundreds of hours of volunteer effort and many financial contributions, the SWTA Mountain Bike Trail Builders have (and continue to!) developed two of Manitoba's hottest mountain bike riding destinations: The Blue Highway and Five of Diamonds Mountain Bike Routes. Join their facebook group today for regular updates on trail build days and what is going on or sign up for the email newsletter by contacting Robert Champagne ( Donations toward their efforts are always welcome as well!

Blue Highway Mountain Bike Trail
Starting from the Caddy Lake Resort Road, heading west along some of the most beautiful granite ridges in the Whiteshell, we have developed a hiking/mountain biking route, called Blue Highway. It has already become a very popular destination trail and according to many avid users, it has become a “favourite”. All this in only a few short years of existence! Here is some info and a few photos on our new Skills area that we worked on this Summer/Fall.
The Hub:
Family meeting area, with Info kiosk/pavilion, benches, interpretive signage, maps. There will be access to hiking, biking, biking skills structure and a nature exploring area.
The Thunderbird Skills Structure:
On the next granite outcrop, only a few hundred feet from the Hub, will be a Skills Structure. It’s professionally constructed of wood and rock, and will be in the shape of a Thunderbird. This skills structure will be designed for beginner cyclists and more accomplished cyclists as well, in order to help them develop their biking skills.
The Intermediate Skills Loop:
Just beyond where the Thunderbird Skills Structure is, we have a 1.3 km trail, on beautiful smooth granite, this is the Intermediate Skills Loop. This loop begins and ends at the location of the Thunderbird Skills Structure. On this 1.3 km Loop, there will be approximately 20 or more wood and rock structures (features) that will challenge the riders ability in a very fun way!
Caddy Lake Lookout Spot & Observation Tower:
At the apex of the Intermediate Skills Loop, there is a lookout spot with a beautiful view of Caddy Lake. Besides the granite bench at this location, we will be building an observation tower/deck, so as to be able to fully take in the exceptional view from this location.
This Family Meeting Hub and Blue Highway Skills Area will help keep people active and bring families together at a location that all can enjoy. Most Skills Biking Areas are in urban settings – this is truly unique: a Biking Skills Area in a forested natural setting, on this very special pre Cambrian Shield!